Time to be still

be stillThis year I promised myself I would take more time for me, a day a week to shut down, chill, meditate and unplug from the world. A day not to do business but to reflect and just be. This was going to be the year to do it. Well the year started off with a bang much to do with launching my new business, much for me to learn, process and people to reach out too. So, I kept busy, keep checking messages, kept posting on Facebook, kept returning emails. Surprise, surprise that I ended up sick for just about a week, nasty head cold, cough and unable to sleep or run.  Life 1 Ana 0. Huge lesson learned, I am important and trust was needed that everything would be ok.

Many of us are like this, we feel we have to be kept busy, we say we don’t like to be home alone or we get bored. My thoughts are not wanting to keep still comes from a place of fear. Fear of being by ourselves, afraid we might not like what we see, afraid to do the work we must do to move ahead. In my case it was the fear of missing that one message or email from a client, then what will they think of me? Where does fear come from? It comes from a place of lack, lack of love and trust. The more we fight this fear the more it will come around and each time stronger until we are forced to deal with it. For me bamn I got sick. I was forced to take time off.

What did I do this past Sunday? Mandatory day of rest. I ran, I read, I wrote and just did things I wanted to do. I didn’t return emails, messages or do work stuff. Sunday was Ana’s Funday. I felt more relaxed and ready to take on what the day had for me. Moving forward I am making this day mine.

So, let me ask you this? Are you keeping yourself so busy you don’t have alone time with you? Are you avoiding reading that book, or doing you work? Take a long look at that and how you answer as well. Is there something you are running from or scared to have a look at. I understand I ran from anything and everything, kept myself busy so I didn’t have to deal with myself. Trust me deep down I wasn’t happy, I felt exhausted and like I was always wearing a mask that I hid under.

I encourage you to also look at home much time you have planned for your kids, how many activities they have, are they still getting them time? Its important we set the example for them.

This week, make a date with yourself, you are so worth it 🙂




I am  passionate about helping people reach their health goals. After years of struggling with yo-yo diets, food addiction and self sabotage, I have embraced balance and a healthy lifestyle. I now shares my  knowledge, my passion and my heart with others. I coach and works with others to help them achieve ultimate health.

For many years I, worked at a corporate job, which wasn’t my passion. This created stress and unhealthy eating habits. I left my job to pursue my passion of coaching others.

Feel free to email anamilne@shaw.ca  to ask any questions.



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